My mother never wrote down recipes. This she learned from my grandmother. I realized once I got married and wanted to start making family favorite meals, I would have to insist that they did. You would have thought I asked them to stick needles in their eyeballs. Oh, the moaning […]
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Old-Fashioned Chicken Chow Mein: A Snap to Make, Tastes Like Take-Out
I hear my my mom laughing at me. When we were kids and my father had to work late, or it was his bowling night, she splurged on Chinese takeout. It was New York-style Cantonese, which is what I knew as Chinese food so many years ago [Note: My California […]
Why Diana Gabaldon Objects to Calling Outlander [Just] a Romance: Part 2 from the Outlander DVD Sneak Peek Event
The Outlander Season 3 DVD Sneak Peek Event, heralding today’s release date, lasted a little over an hour, but author Diana Gabaldon and Executive Producer/Writer Toni Graphia, led by Entertainment Weekly’s Maureen Lee Lenker, were very forthcoming on a variety of subjects, including one subject that is, indeed, stymying—how do […]
Author Diana Gabaldon and Executive Producer Toni Graphia Celebrate Outlander Season 3 DVD Release: Welcome to the Sneak Peek, Part One
When Sony Pictures Home Entertainment invited Outlander fans last week to the historic Sony lot for a sneak peek of the Season Three Blu-Ray DVD and the Limited Collector’s Edition, perhaps they thought they wouldn’t need more than the hundred seats the screening room on the lot held. Turns out, […]