Welcome to my blog. The idea is, I write about stuff that interests me, in the hope that it will interest you. I admit it, I have eclectic taste. I watch and read so you don’t have to, and what I share here will save you (valuable) time and (even more valuable) money. Suggestions will be based on my opinions. If you try them out for yourself, and you agree with me a good percentage of the time, then this blog will be a guidepost for you. If we’re not on the same page, that’s okay too. We can agree to disagree.
The scoop on me: I’ve worked in television and written about it for most of my professional life. I will share the inside scoop as I know it, and answer questions you might have about your favorite/least favorite TV issues. If I don’t have an answer, I’ll try to find one for you. Intelligent feedback is welcome here, but nastiness, not so much. I love TV and film and books and good food and traveling like a local, and I want to share my passion, and I hope you will share yours. Maybe there’s something I should know about that I don’t. Fill me in! That will lead to a great exchange of ideas. I’m a fan of actual dialogue so we can actually hear each other.
I also love baseball and hockey and the Olympics, so I’ll be talking about these things too. I covered the NY Rangers and the LA Kings for many years in GOAL Magazine and other publications. (I told you: eclectic) Watching baseball is a zen experience for me. I am a little NY sports teams-leaning, I admit it. But at the same time, my mom was from Massachusetts, so I spent a lot of time following the Red Sox and the Bruins. That sports dichotomy can really mess you up! Never mind the years I wound up working for Phil Esposito once he was traded to the Rangers and found myself hanging with Bobby Orr and Derek Sanderson…but I digress.
I’m addicted to news. I read newspapers. I watch news programs. We’ll talk about what’s happening. I’ll do my best to draw your attention to topics that the mainstream might be ignoring, and I may bag on the topics they’re spending too much time on.
I’m big on animal rescue. I am the lucky guardian of several animals who needed a chance at love. I get paid back every day from each of them.
I read a lot. My first jobs were in publishing in New York. Books are my addiction and I own too many of them, to the point where sometimes I buy a book that looks good only to find out I already thought it looked good and I own it. Someone recently suggested I get rid of many of them for space. That person suddenly seemed to be speaking a foreign language.
Then, there are whales. I will wax on about whales here. I am drawn to the ocean, so most of the places I travel to are near water. I’ll provide info on great destinations that often highlight both of my obsessions.
Music matters to me. We will discuss, but I do have weird taste in this area as well.
If what you’ve read here appeals, great. Buckle up…I don’t think it will be a bumpy ride, I think it will be a hands-in-the-air, whoop-for-joy satisfying place to hang out.
Theresa Corigliano has worked as a communications executive in the entertainment industry, a sportswriter covering the National Hockey League, a television writer, and a TV critic. Most recently, her work has appeared in Hobart Pulp and The Rumpus. She holds an MFA in Creative Fiction from the University of California Riverside.