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Jerry Lewis: A Story

And now a word about Jerry Lewis, for no other reason but I have been thinking about him…I know that Lewis had a reputation for being, well—let’s just say—difficult. The first movie I ever saw on the big screen was The Bellboy. My father took me and my sister to […]



Welcome to my blog. The idea is, I write about stuff that interests me, in the hope that it will interest you. I admit it, I have eclectic taste. I watch and read so you don’t have to, and what I share here will save you (valuable) time and (even […]


Meeting Mickey

It took me ten years to get this essay to the point where I thought it was good enough to submit for publication (all thanks to Professor David Ulin, who pushed me where I needed to go). I was at my first Association of Writers and Writing Programs convention, scoping […]